Thursday, July 12, 2018

10 Cards by breakfast

I could not sleep last night and got up and made cards.
I had 10 done by breakfast.
By suppertime, I had completed 23 cards.
I used a 6x6 pack of foil paper that I got at A C Moore
while in Pennsylvania.  I struggle with foils and wanted
to just use that whole pad up.  
My dies helped to use up a lot of that paper.
By suppertime I had done it.
I would say it was a productive day
and I even stopped for a bit to go
to the farmer's market.

Here is one of the cards I made and I am posting it so you
can see the foil paper a little better.
Foil does not photograph well, so try to improvise.

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

50th anniversary card

We are going to a 50th anniversary party for 
John's Uncle Mike and Aunt Bonnie Varga.
I wanted to do something in gold and struggled 
to come up with an idea.
I finally came up with this.

I put hearts and the number 50 on the inside,
then stamped "Happy Anniversary"!

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

God Bless America

July 4 was always a favorite holiday of mine.
We would got to my Uncle Freddy's and have the best time.
He would cook us lamb on the skewer 
and that was a treat for us all.
Of course, there was tons of food and family.
He invited anyone and everyone.
My cousins would come from Kentucky!
Aunt Lilly would get out that paddle ball and go crazy.
Of course there were card games, Skip Bo and Phase Ten.
Then at dark we would do sparklers on the porch
and walk to Lake Ann for fireworks.

Oh the memories, sure do miss Freddy and Lilly!