Sunday, May 12, 2019

Mom in Action

Today is Mother's Day and my daughter put this on her Instagram.
The caption was "My Mom in Action!"
I thought it was just adorable 
and so fitting.
She knows me well!

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Bubble wrap technique

Gina K. inspired me to try the bubble wrap technique.
I like how it turned out.
They look like little roses to me.
I was so happy with how it worked
I did it in several different colors.

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Christmas cards for the month of May

I am trying to make some Christmas cards each month
so I am not bogged down around the holidays.
Here are my cards for May.
I found some material that my friend Debbie
had cut for me, so I used all that up
on these cards.
A couple of them have paper backgrounds too.
I thought they turned out nice.
I put away all my Christmas stamps and paper till June.